October 15, 2011

Rescued from the Garage

It seems as if items from my Grandmother's and Mother's past keep creeping in from my Mother's garage every time I visit.  I can't believe that these things were sitting in this neat wooden crate all dusty and in the dark.  I asked my brother, who was also visiting, what he would do with these things if he had them.  "I would sell them on Ebay" he said.  "Ohhhhh,Ohhhh,Ohhh" is all I could cry when I heard that.
Mrs. Leland's Old Fashioned Golden Butter~Bits.  Not as old as I prefer, but still needed rescuing. 

Lovely kitchen supplies.  The sifter is so neat. 

Apparently Grandpa smoked cigars and Grandma tinted fabric.  The .20 cents for the box made me smile.

If you know me you will understand why I squealed in delight upon finding this whisk brush in the box. It is  Kippy Kit from the 1820's.  I still can't believe it.  Also this straight edge razor is from then too.  Too cool.

And here is the awesome crate they were all sitting in.  It had a lid on it, of some sort, at one time.  Also it seems to be covered in some type of paper.  There is writing underneath it all.  
I love these types of things in general, but to know that your Grandfather and Grandmother held, used, and loved them makes these items so much more valuable.


  1. Wow! What great finds! They are really items to be cherished :)

  2. Oh Steph - you are so fortunate and blessed in that regard. Some of us scavenge rummage sales and flea markets and antique shows for items like these - and treasure them, yes; but to have them come from family...wow.... Enjoy your blessings....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. I would sell them on eBay so that people like you could buy them. That's nice isn't it?

  4. These are great! Treasure in unsuspecting places!

  5. The straight razor reminded me of something my family has that belonged to my father's grandfather (I believe). It's this old German-looking shaving mug. My great-grandpa would mix the shaving foam in the mug and use an old-fashioned shaving brush to apply it to his face before using a straight razor to shave. I've always loved that old mug too!

  6. I remember my dad using a brush and making foamy soap to shave, what fun memories you prompted. Maybe that's partly why the primitive is important, to keep our ancestor's close and their memory is cherished? I do love that you found a wisk broom though, I couldn't have wished it on anyone better!

  7. I am so happy you rescued your family goodies. It is wonderful to own pieces of the past, that were used by someone you loved. Enjoy

  8. I can tell these treasures hold lots of memories & love of your Grandparents. I am so like this to. I rescued lots after the public sale that others discarded. One being a large wood box Gram kept sweetpotatos in for the winter. I could not find the lid but my kitty cats now use it for a bed. The wisk broom & shave kit are so cool. How wonderful you have these treasures. Blessings!

  9. How awesome for you! I hope you grabbed it up and got it all home with you before your brother touched it. You need to keep him away from the garage, lol. But yes, I totally agree... when it's been in the family and you know that those before you had it in their home, it makes it so much more precious! Good for you girl!

  10. beautiful treasures with precious memories.
    most of us have to scour auctions, sales and flea markets to find these kinds of treasures. you are a lucky, lucky gal.
    my favorite is the jar with the bale.....
