Now, as any author knows, when you run out of content and start repeating yourself, it's time to end the book. Problem is, that would mean killing my blog. GASP!!!!! Unthinkable. I have too many wonderful friends and have invested too much time and effort, thought and myself into it to possibly say good by. I knew that having a very specific blog title would mean that one day this might happen. I simply don't have enough of the "primitive" thing to share to be able to create post after post after post about it. I have a public blog so I don't feel comfortable in sharing what my life is truly about, and frankly most people in this crazy world wouldn't care.
Having a blog was about creating something and being successful at it. I have been having such an amazing time meeting new friends along the way that I never stopped and thought about an end, but here it is; quite abruptly and not by choice (if Misi and Robyn had not had the Merriment chain, this post would have showed up even before Christmas). I have nothing left to share but the life happenings of a Mother and actually, that's boring for others to read about. I know that my besties wouldn't care if that's all I posted about, but I do. I don't want a blog just filled with that stuff. So, I am at a the fork in the road that Robert Frost depicted. Now, if I can only find the road that has been less traveled and morph this blog into it.
beautiful.... inspirational.....and spiritual. All the things that life needs more of.
It's funny how a blog name can become part of your identity. I don't want to rename my new road. I will always be ~Steph~ from Front Porch Prims, but the detour I am taking is going to have to have it's own name too. So, while I am standing with my back to the world at the fork in the road, looking down the one less traveled, I will just visit all of your paths until I can get the courage to step out and start my new journey.
Wish me luck.......Love you all.
May 2013 be as great as last year.
May 2013 be as great as last year.