Well, here it is, the last day of the "Whole Lotta Love" chain and I can tell you it was another wonderful experience.
If you have never joined in one of these chains, I encourage you to. I always end up learning so much and gaining more than expected. It's always a time for me to connect with others, stretch creativity, and in this case, reflecting on why life is so awesome:) Thanks Cindi for hosting the chain.
There are certain family pictures that capture a thousand words and trap wonderful feelings within it's four sides.
It seems like another lifetime ago that we were all growing up. But, here it is, proof that it happened:) Proof that we celebrated Valentine's Day in our house......and in a very special way.
There are actually 7 of us kids. Baby boy hadn't been born yet. We had just moved to this new house a couple of months before Valentine's Day. I was eight and am the one in front with the striped shirt. My oldest looked at this picture this morning and dramatically asked "what was wrong with your hair Mom"?
Anyway, the night before, my Daddy would bake these big heart cookies for each of us and personalize them. It looks like this year we got to help frost them as well. What a special Valentine for each of his children.
Then, later in the evenings on Valentine's Day and after our evening Family Prayers, a knock on the door would reveal a special treat left there on the step for each of us. Left by "someone" (Daddy).
I am so happy I stumbled upon this picture yesterday. What a fun time to reflect on a beautiful childhood and a wonderful family who has a "whole lotta love" and who is still close to this day.
Wishing you each a very happy Valentine's Day.
~ Holy Cow!!!! I just realized this is my 200 post!!!!~
200 posts full of life, love, primitive fun, tears, and friendship. Thanks to all for making my blog possible and for encouraging me to never give up. That's what friends are for;)