January 15, 2013

Tudor Tuesday

Good morning friends.  I have been thinking a lot about Tasha Tudor lately.  I think that it's because it's been so dark and dreary and cold outside lately.  Much colder than normal around here and we have way more snow than we have for years.  Looking at pictures of Tasha warms my heart.  The colors that encompass the photos and the peace they bring etch some sunshine into my days.  I love reading about Tasha Tudor as well.  "Beautiful simplicity" is what comes to mind.  I spent way to much time laying in bed Friday morning (thank goodness for snow days) pinning pictures of Tasha.  87 to be exact (some of you have noticed:)  There are so many to choose from.  In most of the books about Tasha, Richard W. Brown was the photographer.
*All of my photos are taken from Google Images*
(Isn't she beautiful?)

"Born as Starling Burgess on August 28, 1915- in Boston- Tasha was a nickname given to her by her Father and it became the name she was known by. Later in life she legally changed it to Tasha Tudor. Tudor was her mother's maiden name". ~The Wee Web
She's an acclaimed artist and author of mostly children's books,  but what captures my heart most was her way of living.  She spins and sews, she cooks, she creates, she raises animals, she grows, she builds, she writes, and she paints.  Tasha was a "Prim Princess".  

"Einstein said that time is like a river, it flows in bends.  If we could only step back around the turns, we could travel in either direction.  I am sure it's possible.  When I die, I am going straight back to the 1830's.  I'm not even afraid of dying.  I think it must be quite exciting. ~Tasha Tudor
I think her way of living and desire to go back to the 1800's resonates within all of us Prim Lovers.

There are quite a few books about Tasha Tudor.  I am going to the Library to check out some more about her.  These are my picks for the week.

Her are a few of my favorite websites about Tasha:

* Thank you to all who share your pictures of Tasha with the World. *

Wishing you all a wonderful Tudor Tuesday.


jennifer768 said...

Steph this is a beautiful post and tribute to a wonderful lady.She inspires many of us it seems.Have a wonderful day my friend.Hugs,Jen

annie said...

this is a wonderful post, so glad you are sharing!

Hillcresthome Prims said...

I agree. I love Tasha Tudor and have alot of her books.
My husband bought me the DVD of her and I sent it to Granny Trace to watch.
It is a Christmas one and I LOVE it SO much!
When sh returns it if you would slao like to borrow it let me know!
Happy Tudor Tuesday to you to my friend,

Primitive Stars said...

Hi Steph, wonderful Tudor post, love her so........Blessings Francine.

BumbleBeeLane said...

I've always had such a fondness for her as well.I have one of her childrens books around here somewhere,now you'll have me on a search..smile..Love yesterdays post as well.Warm Blessings!~Amy

Trace4J said...

What a beautiful post.
I love Tasha too.
Her way of life was just perfect.
Happy Tasha Tuesday!
Woolie Hugs

prims by olde lady morgan said...

What a great post Steph! I am going to have to look more into Tasha, I have been missing out it seems. OLM

Pamela@ The Sampler Makers Farmhouse said...

Lovely post, Tasha can always warm my heart!

Jan - Life on Buttermilk Hill said...

Hi Steph! I am with Marie--I really hadn't heard of Tasha Tudor until just recently...just proves what Al says...that I'm out of whack with the world! ;) Beautiful post and pics---I love the quilt motifs in the rug in the pic where she is spinning. ---Have a gentle week---Jan

Cindi said...

I too am a fan of hers. I noticed all of the pins you had. So fun isn't it? Thanks for sharing what you did, especially the links. Have a great Wednesday!
Be blessed,

Old Red Barn said...

Hmmm the pinning ... I noticed ;-). I'm going to check out the websites you mentioned.


Christine said...

She is someone I need to learn more about! I love those photos you've shared!

bettyj said...

You are a girl after my heart. I too, love Tasha Tudor, as does Amanda. I have lots of her books and that particular cook book. My friend Carol I talk about had met her several times and had been to her place to make candles. There are videos(I hope they are still available) too. Several of my books are autographed and I have a framed print over my sink. So glad we share in this love for Tasha. I love pictures of her in her bright red cape

A Primitive Homestead said...

I have read some of her books. Loved them too. Wonderful images. Blessings! Lara

Anonymous said...

My daughter and I wrote to her years ago and she answered and drew a little corgi on the page.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing. I admire her so much. So many people are still following her garden ideas. Such a woman before her time!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Steph for sharing this post with us . I have never heard of Tasha before this day but I wish I had yes the romance of yesteryear is so veryinviting

Anonymous said...

I pressed send by accident I wanted to say if we all went back to this wonderful way of life the world wouldn't be in the mess it's in now . I know it could be a little scary without modern medicine but they had their herbal remedies .Oh how I wish we had stayed back there

Anonymous said...

Спасибо, только очень жаль, что нет перевода.

Anonymous said...

Today, is bright snow, crisp and cold in PA. Going to curl up with Tea and some Tasha. Thank you for the great post! LOVE