December 25, 2013

Christmas Snippets

Just a few snippets from the Christmas decor.  If I photoshoped all of them to post it would take me all season.  

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.  

November 19, 2013

Grungy Pioneer Make-Do

Last year they were bowl fillers, year before they were shelf sitters, and this year they are make-do's.  No matter what they are, they are going to be in my home for years.  They are a constant reminder to me that I can make anything I want and a reminder to my children that I can stitch mouths shut!!! Ha Ha Ha. No seriously though, their mouths are kinda strange.  That's what I love about them.
 Have a wonderful Fall Day!

July 19, 2013

Beautiful Bear Lake

I don't know how many posts I have done on the Bear Lake Valley.  
I show new pictures every time go.  Taking a drive around the valley and lake to photograph is one of the things I look forward to the most.  

Sometimes I wish I lived here instead of just having to visit.  I could just step out my back patio and photograph all day.  It sure would be a life style change.  Hubby would have to most likely commute through the Logan Canyon to work in Utah and I would have to learn to be a country girl.  Most people here own plenty of land with cows, chickens, dogs, cats, pigs, horses, etc.  I would have to become a good online shopper and be willing to drive a ways for things.
Oh, but the air would be so crisp and clean, the surroundings so beautiful, the mountains just seconds away, a more meaningful lifestyle, and a place where roots could grow deeper.
I know what I am thinking about today:)

June 25, 2013

Primitive Americana Decor

Aside from Christmas, the 4th of July is my most favorite holiday.  I love the stars and stripes, but don't want my house covered in them all year.  I bring them out after the 21st of June and they stay until the mid August.  Then I plan to decorate for my most favorite season which is Fall.  That's how it goes around here.  The house evolves with each new Season and Holiday.  I know that's how it is for most of you.  I am not sure anyone notices or cares around here though, but someday when they are older, they will appreciate how Mom is.  

Each piece of decor has a story and I know exactly how it came to me.  I have had many loving friends add to my collection, a few of the items I have created by my own hands, and some have been purchased.  
Man, I love prim.  What's not to love?

 Thank you to all who took the time to send me wonderful Birthday wishes:)  I appreciate each and every one! 
I hope you are having a wonderful summer.  Thanks for stopping by to visit.

May 16, 2013

Baby Whoooo Owl~Baby Shower

My best friend is having a baby!!!!  It's been so fun because she is getting her first boy after 2 girls.  I feel that being and having a loyal friend is something precious.  I really wanted her to know how much I have appreciated her over the years and I could think of no better way than to throw her a baby shower.... and the best one I could.......
Of course I turned to Pinterest and the rest was history.  Ideas turned to more ideas and then my mind took off........
I loved the owl idea.  It probably appealed so much to me because of my love for prim.  The muted colors, the natural settings, etc......
But, I also wanted something different and not in red or blue and not dinosaurs or motorcycles.
This is the table setting!!
We had a yummy fruit pizza bar with: fig newtons, peanut butter chocolate bars, Chex Mix, Toffee covered crackers, and chocolate mints on the side.  I loved, loved, loved, the paper bag in the dough bowl idea for serving things:)

I watch this wedding show on TLC, where the brides rate each other's weddings.  Sometimes the brides say "There was nothing in the reception that had to do with her theme".  I knew my theme was owls, so I tried to make as many paper ones as I could to display with things so I wouldn't be guilty of the "theme-less party". I found this perfect paper bag owl tutorial and it was soooo easy.  Here is the Owl Tutorial if you are interested.

Toffee glazed Ritz Crackers (AKA~Cracker Crack). The first had these at my Sister-in-Law's wedding reception and I immediately went on the hunt for the recipe. They are soooo good. After I had made them I tried one and another and another. I was in heaven in my own kitchen.  Everyone asked what the recipe was at the reception as's a keeper.  Here you go..... here's the recipe.

I don't enjoy games at baby showers.  I don't know many who do.  So I opted for a few activities the ladies could do on their own time between talking.  One of them was the "wishing tree".  They write down a wish for the new baby and hang it on the tree.

I made many of these paper owls, big and small.  Each one was different and turned out soooo cute. 

A couple of Christmas's ago, some ladies in my church and I made about 30 of these tissue balls for the Church Christmas party and I swore I'd never make another again.  The love for a friend has no bounds:)  Ha ha.  They are quite easy and make things look really cute.  I had them hanging over the paper plates, cups, and drinks.

Now, this shower was a ton of work (which is an understatement).  I had never done one before so I didn't know what to expect!!!! 
But, I would do it all over again for anyone I call a Best Friend.

Wishing you all have a Hoooooot today!

May 08, 2013

Pull Apart Cupcake Dress

Sometimes, I do enter the kitchen to bake!!  I fell in love with the idea of a cake made of cupcakes.  Easy to serve everyone.  I needed a dessert for Middle's baptism dinner.
  I was so thrilled at how the pull apart dress cake turned out.  

The directions to the cake are here.......

The frosting recipe, however, is a family one.  It's to die for and everyone who tastes it asks for the recipe and then uses as their go to frosting themselves.  I will be nice and share:)

Wedding Cake Frosting
1/2 c. Shortening(white)
1/2 c. Real butter
1 tsp. Almond extract
4 c. Powdered sugar
Whip really well and then add:
2 tsp. Milk
Whip again until fluffy
* This is so yummy that I end up eating it plain.  It's also extremely delicious on top of sugar cookies.*

Thanks for letting me share.....even though it's not prim......and it's just family stuff:) 

May 06, 2013

Welcome Wreath

I am a pinterest hoarder.  Somehow I get off just by browsing and pinning, browsing and pinning.  It's like a drug.  I feel I was just shopping when I am finished.  Most of the time I have great intentions when I select a pin to post, but really, deep down, I know I will never cook it, buy it, wear it, or make it.
This baby of an idea was special though.  I knew right away it was going to get done.  It met the "criteria" which are as follows:  1. Can be made in just a couple of hours, 2. All materials can be bought at Walmart along with my groceries (I hate extra trips for things) 3. It's simple yet pretty,
4. I won't end up in tears trying to figure out how to pull it off.

A lovely welcome to my home.

Thank you for reading:)

February 23, 2013

16 more reasons I love Bear Lake~ An a little "leftover" love

 All you have to do is drive around the Valley for an hour with your camera hanging out the window.  It's a photographer's (not that's what I am calling myself or anything) dream.  Like I have said in other posts about Bear Lake, there are not many places left like it anymore.  Time has been preserved here.  It's like going to another world......a very beautiful one.  

 And of course, there are those who want to live amongst it all during the summer.  Someday I would love to have a summer home here.  Just like this one.  It sits right on top of a hill.  The picture first picture on this post, the one overlooking the valley, is the view from this house.

So, what's your favorite photograph?  I love the tiny abandoned house in the snow storm, then the green and red hydrant second.
Most of you already know that Cindi was my swap partner for the Humble Heart Swap Amy just held.  Well, bless Cindi's soul, even thought she was in the hospital, she had her mother package everything up and mail it to me.  There were a few missed items that came later and I am so happy they did:)  What wonderful stitchery I have now to display for just a week longer.  Thanks again Cindi.

I have been on the lookout for Mary Poppins today.  You know, when the wind blows awful something, she should be riding in on her umbrella.
Wishing you all a very blustery day:) 

Link up your great photos

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February 14, 2013

Whole Lotta Love ~ Day 14 ~ Valentine's Past

Well, here it is, the last day of the "Whole Lotta Love" chain and I can tell you it was another wonderful experience. 
If you have never joined in one of these chains, I encourage you to.  I always end up learning so much and gaining more than expected.  It's always a time for me to connect with others, stretch creativity, and in this case, reflecting on why life is so awesome:)  Thanks Cindi for hosting the chain. 

There are certain family pictures that capture a thousand words and trap wonderful feelings within it's four sides.  
It seems like another lifetime ago that we were all growing up.  But, here it is, proof that it happened:) Proof that we celebrated Valentine's Day in our house......and in a very special way.

There are actually 7 of us kids.  Baby boy hadn't been born yet.  We had just moved to this new house a couple of months before Valentine's Day.  I was eight and am the one in front with the striped shirt.  My oldest looked at this picture this morning and dramatically asked "what was wrong with your hair Mom"?
Anyway, the night before, my Daddy would bake these big heart cookies for each of us and personalize them. It looks like this year we got to help frost them as well. What a special Valentine for each of his children.  
Then, later in the evenings on Valentine's Day and after our evening Family Prayers, a knock on the door would reveal a special treat left there on the step for each of us.  Left by "someone" (Daddy).
I am so happy I stumbled upon this picture yesterday.  What a fun time to reflect on a beautiful childhood and a wonderful family who has a "whole lotta love" and who is still close to this day.
Wishing you each a very happy Valentine's Day.
~ Holy Cow!!!! I just realized this is my 200 post!!!!~
200 posts full of life, love, primitive fun, tears, and friendship.  Thanks to all for making my blog possible and for encouraging me to never give up.  That's what friends are for;)